
VID: Rev. Phil Valentine - Re-Engineering Gender: The Systematic Rise of Homosexuality

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Dr. Phil Valentine is a notable Metaphysician, Hygenic Scientist, Naturopath, polymath, etc...

The rise of homosexual issues in the media prompted me to try and understand what was really going on; while researching racism I found strong evidence for a massive media campaign promoting homosexuality, and beyond reading reviews of After The Ball - How America Will Conquer it's fear & hatred of Gays in the 90's, this talk and the credible references to EDC's allowed me to form a concrete opinion and research other topics - domination of sexuality among colonized people being the most powerful force attributed to White Supremacy/Racism, according to Neely Fuller Jr.

I also really appreciated his extended preliminary talk, covering semantics, methods and ideas fundamental to understanding this topic, and I believe many others. He even ties in a Newspeak-like description of how words are used to limit and change ranges of thought.

4:05 WHAT we know, is no longer substantiated by inquiry into HOW we know, or WHY we know. As is typical of westernized thinking, we are trained *not* to incorporate what goes beyond "cerebro-sensual" knowledge. Our social perception is stuck in a perceptual validation of 'the what' ...
8:43 As consciousness qualifies language, so to does language quantify consciousness. When consciousness becomes locked into its own concepts of reality, it gets trapped in descriptions of "the WHAT", preventing access to the "HOW" and the "WHY"
9:17 "As Emilios Bourantinos writes in his essay "Consciousness and the Snare of Civilization", ".. Words and symbols become transparent to what they fail to denote ... they point to the quantum vacuum of meaning - that ontological experience of wholeness underpinning the true comprehension of every individual part (or relationship) one becomes aware of ..." 
17:17 "It is said that seeing is believing, but MOST important of all, is what you BELIEVE you see ... and WHY you believe it."

Additional Links:

National Institute of Health: Are EDCs Blurring Issues of Gender?

The Guardian: Two-year-olds at risk from 'gender-bending' chemicals, report says

The Tyee: The Gender-Bending Chemicals in Our Water

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting and adding he listed to your post. I could not find the essay for anything before- HOTEP!
